Children's Yoga Teacher Training

Children's Yoga Teacher Training

Children’s Yoga Teacher Training

Children’s Yoga Teacher Training Will Open Your Heart

Children's Yoga Teacher Training

Enrolling in children’s yoga teacher training is a serious but worthy undertaking that requires all the best of you. When you take children’s yoga teacher training, you use your heart, mind and a lot of patience! Children’s yoga teacher training is unique from yoga teacher training for adults. In children’s yoga teacher training, you’ll find that your lesson plan that you used for adults will not work the same for children.

Children’s Yoga Teacher Training Will Renew Your Interest in the Practice

Children require a different warm-up sequence than adults, you’ll find at children’s yoga teacher training. A warm-up that allows children to unwind is necessary, as they often have excessive amounts of energy. Instead of having an hour of continuous instruction, portion the class into sections. These sections should be broken up by engagement methods, such as songs, games and stories. These methods should be relevant to the yoga discipline, such as a dramatized story about the origins of yoga. Encourage group and partner activities to bolster participation, collaboration, and a sense of community.

While children will experience life’s turmoil as adults do, one has to keep in mind that children are often at the behest of adults. They may be attending yoga class not out of free-will as in the adult would, but maybe because they’re being forced! Children who are experiencing stress, are tried or hungry deal with their emotions differently than adults. You have to be patient and sympathetic, as children haven’t developed the same coping mechanisms as adults.

Enroll in Children’s Yoga Teacher Training Today

Yoga practice should be fun for kids. Be as creative as possible to include poses into practice, and find ways to make games out of practice. Try to connect poses in a way that is both active and interesting so that the children don’t get distracted. Finding the right mix of structure and flexibility (pun intended!) can vary from week to week or even from minute to minute. You can’t take anything too seriously, and you need to find the inner child in yourself. Children will sense if you’re not having fun, and it subconsciously/consciously disconnects them from the present.

Children’s Yoga Teacher Training Will Benefit Your Practice

Growing with your students is important. Children are curious and you’d be surprised by their questions and interests. You need to be extremely knowledgeable about your practice and you may even have to go back to the basics. Explore the most rudimentary motivations behind yoga and the origin stories. Get back in touch with the reasons why you started practicing yoga.

Ensure that the environment is kid friendly and welcoming. This includes the physical environment as well as the psychological environment. You want your studio to be a place of growth, peace and fun.

Children’s yoga teacher training will expand your horizons. To find out more, visit or 323-770-6635.

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